The Blood God

Khorne is the God of War and the Patron of Warriors. His rival is Slaanesh and his sacred number is eight.

Khorne is the Blood God; the angry and murderous god of Chaos, the warrior god whose bellows of insatiable rage echo throughout time and space. His great brass throne sits upon a mountain of skulls in the midst of a sea of splintered bone and lakes of blood: the remains of his followers slain in battle and those killed in his name. Khorne is the Power of Chaos that embodies mindless and absolute violence, destroying everyone and everything within reach, slaying both friend and foe alike. The followers of Khorne are always ferocious warriors, for the Blood God abhors magic and sorcerers are particularly valued as sacrifices to his unquenchable thirst. Khorne's followers may feel they can justify their life of slaughter in any number of ways through honour, bravery or martial pride. However, the most fanatical of Khorne's worshippers know that he desires only wild slaughter in his name and that all else is meaningless artifice.

Khorne is depicted as a giant figure wearing ornate armour of black Chaos metal arid brass bearing a massive double handed sword, which flickers with inner fires. His body is broad and muscular, his visage fearsome and bestial beneath his heavy helmet. The rune of Khorne depicts the stylised features of a skull the symbol of death, and his followers favour blood-red armour and banners.

Bloodshed and violence pervade the galaxy so Khorne is the most powerful of Chaos Gods. He commands armies of daemons and legions of mortal followers beyond numbering. His chief rival is Tzeentch, the Great Sorcerer. Tzeentch is the patron of wizards just as Khorne is the patron of warriors. Naturally this rivalry does not prevent Khorne mailing common cause with Tzeentch when the prospects for blood-letting are great. Combined, the two gods wield greater power than any of the others. Of all his brother-gods Khorne despises Slaanesh most of all, for the self-indulgent sensuality's of the Prince of Chaos are an affront to Khorne. Even so, Khorne may join forces with Slaanesh when necessary, much as it may gall him to do so.
Taken from Codex: Chaos v2

More on the Blood God:

The face of the War Incarnate, along side his brother Nurgle.

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