The Chaos Gods

There are four great Chaos gods - four brothers in darkness -who rule the infernal region known as the Realm of Chaos. This is not a material realm but a place without physical or temporal boundries, a vast formless limbo that exists beyond the light of any sun or star. From their vantage point beyond space and time the Chaos gods ponder the feeble antics of mortals much as a man might study a nest of ants.

They watch the progress of one tiny creature for a while, until the struggles of a more interesting individual captures their attention. Occasionally their gaze is drawn elsewhere, to another world, perhaps or some other godly concern. For a while mortals are left to pursue their own ends in their own fashion. Such is the nature of the gods, for they are as whimsical in their favour as they are in their anger, and their plans are beyond the wit of any man to comprehend.

The four great Chaos gods are named as follows. The first and greatest of all is Khorne, the Blood God, who is also known as the Lord of Skulls. Second in power is Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways, called by some the Great Sorcerer. Next is Nurgle, the Lord of Decay, who is also the Master of Plague and Pestilence. Nurgle is the most resplendently foul of all the Chaos gods. Last of all is the youthful Slaanesh, the handsome Prince of Chaos, seductive and perverse in his supernatural favours. The four gods are known throughoutthe world by many other names, and their shapes vary, but no matter what their appearance or name, they are the Four Great Gods of Chaos.
Taken from WHFB: Realm of Chaos


Only fools claim to understand Chaos, for by definition Chaos is inhuman and incomprehensible. The mortal sages and mystics who dare to debate upon the nature of Chaos succeed only in attracting the attention of the creatures of Chaos. Many wise men have been carried alive and screaming to the charnel houses of the Realm of Chaos, there to writhe in eternal debate with the daemons of Torment.

Some of them have claimed that Chaos, in its eternal diversity, has spawned an infinite number of gods. Others say that all the apparently different gods are no more than different aspects and manifestations of one supreme being: The Great Unnameable One, The Abomination, The Unspeakable Beast, The Chaos Undivided.

But the true nature of Chaos is beyond any comprehension. No mere mortal can ever hope to understand there matters, and the wise do not puzzle too deeply over Chaos gods, or try to fathom their wars, rivalries, and bickerings.
-Taken from WHFB: Realm of Chaos

The Daemon has many forms. You must know them all. You must tell the Daemon from his disguise and root him out from the hidden places. Trust no-one. Trust not even yourself. It is better to die in vain than to live in abomination. The zealous martyr is praised for his valour: the craven and the unready are justly abhorred.
- The First Book of Indoctrinations

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