When the Eldar fought against the forces of Chaos in the Yarant system, Revenant Titans played a vital role. After a month of gruelling conflict, the prophetic Eldar Farseers determined the location of the headquarters of the Death Guard - the Legion of Traitor Space Marines beloved of the Chaos god Nurgle. On Yarant IV, the Death Guard formed the core of the Chaos resistence and the Farseers believed that an attack against their headquarters would disrupt the whole Chaos battle force. Once this had been achieved, a final all-out offensive would cast the Chaos hordes from Yarant IV once and for all.
The headquaters were sited in the midst of a morass of rotting jungle and swamps near the Timan valley. The camp was shielded against orbital bombardment and the Death Guard garrison entrenched in the festering jungles could easily delay a conventional force long enough to bring in reinforcements. A direct assault against the headquaters with skimmers would invite disaster as the attackers would be cut off from help the moment they passed over the surrounding terrain and entered the treacherous deltas and swamps.
Eldar Attack
To overcome these obstacles, the Eldar launced a series of diversionary raids in the Timan valley while a Wind Rider host and six Revenant Scout Titans moved towards the jungle in great secrecy. Once this force was in position, a full scale attack began in the Timan valley to draw off the Death Guards' reserves. An hour later, in the gathering dusk, the Vypers and Jetbikes screamed down on the Death Guards' forward outposts in the swamp and wiped them out. The Jetbikes swept on, scouting a path through the tangle of stagnant pools and Sekarra groves. Whenever detachments of the Death Guard blocked the way, the Revenants bounded forward and blasted them at close range, overrunning the Plague Marines before they had a chance to form an effective defence.
By using this deadly attack pattern, the combined force broke through to the Death Guard headquarters. Although the surviving warriors of the Death Guard garrison fought with fanatical determination, the Revenants, Vypers and Jetbikes tore through their positions and destroyed the command bunker with minimal Eldar losses. The Eldar continued to strafe the Chaos camp until the arrival of further Chaos reinforcements some hours later forced the attackers to withdraw into the surrounding jungle.
A week after the lightning raid, the forces of Chaos were pushed off Yarant IV altogether by a major Eldar offensive. The clearance of the swamp had been the turning point in the whole battle. Taken from WD 186