The Crane Clan

While others have relied on martial prowess alone, the Crane have learned to keep its feathers clean from bloodshed by using political maneuvering to gain its high position. The beauty of the Crane is worshipped, with samurai from other clans asking for the fair hand of a Crane courtier in marriage. As such, the Crane have sympathy with each and every clan through their spouses… and eventually, their children. The Crane samurai are known for their charisma, their diplomacy, and their inbreeding.

The left hand of the Emperor, and mortal enemy of the Lion Clan. The Crane have always stood for civilization, honor, duty – the epitome of what it means to be a samurai… and the Crane have worked for centuries to maintain that image. It was Lady Doji who first created the rules of civilization, and it is her clan that continues to uphold that tradition.

Of course, every bright light casts a shadow. The darker side of the Crane Clan is sinister and wicked. But they are unlike the Scorpion – who the Crane are more akin to than they’d like to admit – who hide their secrets in the shadows. Instead the Crane prefer to shine so brightly that others are blinded to their indiscretions.

Colors: Light blue, silver, and white
Daimyo: Doji Hoturi
Personalities: Kakita Toshimoto (Emerald Champion and sensei of the Kakita Academy) Kakita Yoshi (Toshimoto’s brother, head of the Kakita family and chief courtier of the Imperial Court), Daidoji Uji (head of the Daidoji family and chief yojimbo of Doji Hoturi)



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